Homemade Pasta!

I have obsessively watched Pasta Grannies so much that I actually tried to make my own pasta a few days ago. It turned out great and seems like it’s a bit more nutritious in some ways than dried pasta, especially factory-made.

Here’s what I’ve learned!

  • 100g of 00 flour for every 1 egg
  • 1 egg per 2 people (or every 1 person if they’re big eaters)
  • Let it rest 30 minutes after kneading til smooth
  • Make sure it’s thin enough!!
  • It’s fully cooked not when it floats but when it no longer tastes of raw flour and the inside looks the same throughout. This takes 2-3 minutes at high altitude, longer if it’s thicker. Be sure to salt the water! It absorbs flavor really well.
  • Freezes well but hard to microwave, better to plop it in a pot and reheat it that way.
  • The thing the pasta grannies do with rolling it around their rolling pins and then rolling the whole mess actually works really, really well! Just make sure it’s well-floured so it doesn’t stick.
  • It’s a real pain in the butt shaking the tagliatelle strands apart after you cut them, but it’s necessary. Also don’t pile them all up in one big pile because the ones on the bottom will start assimilating each other due to the weight…

For the flour, what I can find in stores is King Arthur Flour’s ’00’ pizza dough flour, which works just as well. It ends up pretty stretchy and tends to retract as well. 00 flour is when it is very finely ground, so it looks a bit like cake flour but I don’t think it’s quite the same.

I haven’t done any cool shapes yet but I’ll give those a try at some point when I make pasta again.